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Freya’s story

Freya is three years old and has suspected ASD and sensory difficulties. Her parents Natalie and Ayrton reached out to Kids for support with her additional needs.

Meet Freya

Freya has attended Kids’ Family Centre Nursery for roughly two years.

We realised early on that Freya was delayed in her development. She didn’t interact with people and found it difficult to be in any social situation. We started using Kids Nursery to support us with understanding Freya’s needs, to help her overcome her struggles with social interactions, and to give Freya the best help from experts who specialise in children with additional needs.

How Freya has grown at Kids

Since Freya joined the Nursery, we have seen a huge improvement in both her development and behaviour. Freya is much more content in herself. She has gotten better at tolerating situations that can be stressful.

When looking at Freya’s online ‘Learning Journey’, we see the vast amount of physical and mental activities she takes part in and can see the improvement when she does similar tasks at home.

We are hoping that Freya carries on enjoying her time at Kids and continues to progress in her development. We are really happy with how Freya is doing and appreciate the care and efforts from the team.

Check out our Family Centre Nursery

Rated Good by Ofsted, Kids Family Centre is an inclusive nursery setting for children aged 2 to 5 years old. We’re an inclusive, nurturing place where children thrive and have fun.