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Jacob’s story

Jacob needed support to start primary school but additional funding had been denied and the family didn’t know why. Kids SENDIASS supported Jacob and his family through meetings with the school and to appeal to the local authority.

In September 2018 Jacob started reception at a local primary school. Jacob has a diagnosis of Autism and Epilepsy and is prone to seizures. He had an EHC plan (Education, Health and Care) in place to start reception however Jacob’s dad Matthew, got in touch with SENDIASS as the school had made an application for additional funding for a one to one but this had been turned down.

A SENDIASS Practitioner reviewed the EHC plan and went out to meet Matthew at his home as English is not Matthew’s first language. The Practitioner focused on making the plan more specific, having one to one support and Jacob attending school on a full time basis.

The Practitioner contacted the Local Authority team on behalf of Matthew to clarify the reason for the additional funding being turned down and discuss the request amendments to the EHC plan.

Lost in translation

A meeting was arranged with the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) to discuss increasing the time that Jacob would be in school.

The Practitioner stated that it had been highlighted that Jacob became very tired at lunchtime and in the first week Jacob had a serious seizure. The school, supported by health professionals, felt that slowly increasing Jacob’s time at school week by week would help him adjust to full time school.

Whilst they had verbally communicated this to Matthew, Matthew had not understood their suggestions. A clear plan was written and agreed that Jacob’s time at school would increase half an hour every two weeks. Matthew received a copy of this plan and felt more confident having it down on paper.

The Local Authority team had returned with a decision on the additional funding. It was confirmed that the original application had been turned down due to lack of evidence however with SENDIASS providing the reports, this had now been approved.

Support to thrive

Over a term, SENDIASS’ involvement has had positive outcomes for Jacob, Matthew, the school and the Local Authority. The relationship between Matthew and the school improved and moving forward the school will provide written communication to ensure there is no further misunderstandings.

Above all, Jacob now has the support that he needs to start his education.

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