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Jack’s story

When Jack’s application for an Education, Health and Care Plan was turned down his family was upset and confused. Kids SENDIASS supported them as they went through mediation to make sure they had their say.

Jack’s parents found SENDIASS’ contact details on the letter from the Local Authority stating that they had decided that an EHC assessment was not necessary. Jack’s parents were very upset as they believed that an EHC was the only way that the school could continue the level of support they were providing and they could not understand why it had been turned down.

Reassuring Jack’s parents

The SENDIAS Practitioner on duty had provided information on their options including how mediation worked and how to initiate it. Jack’s parents wanted to pursue mediation as they felt it would help them better understand why this decision had been made and give them an opportunity to express why they felt an assessment was necessary for their son. Jack’s parents asked for support at the mediation meeting as they felt that emotions would be high.

Supporting the mediation

Jack’s parents contacted the mediation service and the mediation was arranged for a months’ time. Before the mediation the SENDIASS Practitioner had several conversations with Jack’s parents about the way mediation was conducted, the role of the Mediator and the decisions that could be made at mediation. Jack’s parents were advised what information to take with them and to prepare a statement to ensure that they have said everything they wanted to say in an often emotional situation.

Understanding the decision

The mediation took place at Jack’s school. Jack’s parents read out their statement and the member of SENDIASS asked clarifying questions of the parents and the school. Although the decision not to assess was upheld, Jack’s parents felt that they better understood why the decision had been made and had a plan for resubmission that they felt confident about.

Jack’s parents stated that the SENDIASS support had given them the confidence to understand the process and have their say.

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